Thursday 3 October 2019

About the name 'Keto" By Ketofy

It was obvious to choose a name with 'low carbohydrate' in it. That is, after all, a term that people look for. But low in carbohydrates also include high-fat. Without that addition, you have the chance that people think that you stand for low carbohydrate and low fat.

Low in carbohydrate and high in fat is far too long. There is no catchy name. LCHF was another option. It stands for 'Low carb high fat'.

Keto ...
Keto stands for ketogenic. low in carbohydrates. Less known even than the English LCHF. This also makes it less easy to find by Mr. Google. Perhaps less intuitive. But a perfect name for what I stand for.

With a ketogenic diet, you not only lower your carbohydrates, but you also increase your fats. Low in carbohydrate and therefore rich in fat. Energy from fats replaces the energy from carbohydrates. Healthy fats from your diet, possibly supplemented with fats from your own supply. You get access to the energy stored in your fat cells.

Keto also refers to ketones and ketosis. Because you limit the carbohydrates and add healthy fats, your body starts producing ketones. You are then 'in ketosis'.

The ketones are an alternative fuel for your brain and heart. For your other organs. Ketones are magical. A kind of turbo fuel. Ketones are healing. They ensure more efficient combustion, more mitochondria (the power stations in our cells) and therefore more energy. For more connections in your brain, allowing you to think more clearly. They can switch off bad genes.

So "Keto" was a great starting point. But it's not just about ketosis or ketones.

Healthy gut flora. Enough sleep. Relaxation and meditation. Mindful food. Sport and movement. Sunlight. Fasting. Those kinds of things.

Take a look aout keto diet products by Indias best Keto food provider brand Ketofy.
Ketofy is the world’s first brand that creates nutritious, safe and healthy Keto Food products to simplify the Keto Diet. A Ketogenic Diet or an Ultra Low Carb Diet is a transformative diet that relies on dramatically lowering the carbs and increasing healthy fats in your diet to achieve numerous health benefits. The benefits of the Ketogenic Diet helps with health issues like Weight Loss, Diabetes, Thyroid, PCOS, Acne and even Parkinson’s.

799 Basement, Saraswati Vihar, Maruti Housing Colony, Sec 28, Gurgaon, 122002, Haryana
(+91) 9599097667, (+91) 9319157249

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